Book an All-Ages Accessible Cycle ride

Low or no-cost rides for anyone, of any age, living with disability or health needs.

Note: Our separate 'Elder Care Rides' (collect elders from care homes) is a different and entirely separate service we also run. That Elder Care Home Service runs ONLY from a set number of care homes we support on a set-weekly schedule. On that 'Elder Care Service' option rides are operated by a team of our volunteers who support that service only. You can email us to request an elder care home to join our waitlist. We only operate rides from elder care homes in Brighton and Hove.


All-Ages ride bookers: Vital to READ this page carefully first

[REPEAT BOOKING? Skip to bottom of page for repeat booking instructions or straight to ‘BOOK NOW’ red button.]

First time booking a ride?

Unable to give one-off hire to city-visitors or people not in our target beneficiary population.  PLEASE DO NOT book a ride as a ‘ONE-OFF’ for a visitor or occassion. We cannot resource these as a very small charity. Training a Carer-Pilot is a considerable investment of very limited resources and takes the opportunity away from someone who could repeat-use the service. Thank you.

Donation request towards cost of ride. A per-ride donation of £11 (25% of the actual real cost) is requested from participants who can afford it. Pedal People covers the remaining 75% of the cost through fundraising. Requesting donations where possible, helps us meet the full cost of rides and enable the charity to continue. Exemptions from donation requests are:

1) On Universal Credit and living independently (not with relatives and not in residential or supported care with local authority care packages).  OR
2) Struggling financially (by this we mean: Unable to meet basic living costs easily). Low or no-income.
If you meet one of the exemption criteria above or have any donation query at all, please do email: and we will answer your query and/or provide a code for you to enter for 100% free rides.

Useful to know:

  • Rides are from Madeira Drive, seafront, close to Marina. Instructions via booking email notifications to you.

  • Rides operate Mon-Weds, year-round including some of school holiday breaks too.

  • Moible hoist. Max weight: 120kg. We supply 1 hoist trained staff to work with you/your trained carer or 2 staff on request.

  • Ride duration: 90 minutes, including on/off-boarding time. You can cycle as much of this as you want and the participant does not need to pedal constantly - there are lots of adaptable options.

  • Swivel out seat for easy transfers. Foot straps/shoe enclosing pedals + leg-align supports on all tandem trikes. Suitable for wide range of abilities + needs e.g. post stroke/loss of mobility/limited movement.

  • Train you to use our cycles, safety policies and routes. No cycle experience required but driving license or ability to ride a cycle is often an advantage.

  • Our terms & conditions agreed to at point of booking (essential read, key info, do not skip).

  • Train 1 Carer-Pilot per participant. If then want to ride regularly, can train another Carer-Pilot for you so y options to ride when one Carer-Pilot not available. All Carer-Pilots must be over 21 years of age.

  • We do not use helmets but you are welcome to use your own. More info on why this is- in our ‘terms and conditions - red link just above.

  • BOTH participant and carer ride out on your 'first-time ride training with our cycle trainer riding alongside.

  • STRICT safety manufacturer weight-limit per person:

    - Side-by-side tandem:120Kg/18.5 stone.

    - Trishaw trike (participant cab up front for 1 or 2 people) 160Kg/25st max total front cab load. So if a participant is over 120Kg they need to ride solo on this trike with Carer-Pilot pedalling.

    You must check on scales before booking. We reserve right to request weighing pre-ride if safety doubt.

  • Info here: Why participants for ‘All-Ages Service’ need to bring their own Cycle-Pilot with them

First-time-ride: Booking steps

In a moment you’ll reach the booking button. Before you do here’s a guide:

1) Firstly, you’ll need to select 'Accessible All-Ages Rides' option.

2) Then select relevant cycle type. Read the short info on both options to decide which will suit you.

3) Finally: ‘FIRST-TIME compulsory Cycle-Pilot training’ ride option. The dates and times then appear for you.


SCROLL to foot of page to click RED ‘BOOK NOW’ BUTTON now


Repeat booker?

[If not repeat booking skip to foot of page to red ‘BOOK NOW’ button now]

  • Login, select type of cycle you have been trained to use to make a booking for it again.  

  • CANCEL or MOVE your booking (up to 24 hours before) just select ‘My Bookings’ once logged in and then the booking you want to alter. Click Cancel and THEN the EDIT button to move your ride to a different date or Cancel again to delete the ride totally.

  • See ‘To make recurring booking’ below for how to book up to 8 weeks worth of weekly rides in one go.

You can make a recurring booking to secure your favoured slot. MAX 7 weeks recurring bookings in one booking set, to enable all to access.

Not got your regular EMAIL ride reminder notification the day before? DO CHECK you have made your next set of bookings! As no reminder notification means there is no ride booked.